Donations and benefits


You can help better society. Ready to make a great charity … by being a “giver”

Methods to make donations to the Thai Red Cross Society

  1. In personDonations can be made in person at the Fund Raising Bureau located on the second floor of the Amnuaynoratham Building, at the Donor Relations Room. Office hours are: Monday to Friday, 8.30 – 16.30 hours.
  2. Deposit into bank accountsFor your convenience, the Thai Red Cross Society has operated savings account to receive your donations from the following commercial banks. The account name is “Thai Red Cross Society, Fund Raising Bureau”.
    ** Please send a copy of the deposit slip and the name and address of the donor, either by post or by facsimile (number 0-2250-0312). The Fund Raising Bureau will send receipts to all donors.
  3. Postal Money OrderThe postal money order should be made out to “Director of Fund Raising Bureau, Thai Red Cross Society” payable at Chulalongkorn, Thai Red Cross Society Post Office.
  4. ChequesAll cheques are welcome. Cheques should be made payable to “Thai Red Cross Society”, with specification of “Account Payee Only” and “or bearer” crossed out.
  5. Credit CardsDonors can also notify the Fund Raising Bureau if they want to make donations by way of credit cards. With credit cards, donors have the option of making a once-only donation or regular monthly donations.Donors are required to fill in the donation form specifying details of credit cards (credit card’s number, name of card holder and expiry date etc.). The completed form can be sent by post or by facsimile on number 0-2250-0312.